Interpreting services are an invaluable asset for companies looking to do business in international markets.

We offer interpreting services where your event will take place (in Italy and abroad), at conferences, seminars, workshops, round tables, and meetings during client visits to your company or during your business trips abroad in order to ensure communication between the different participants.

We provide these language services in the following languages: English, French and Italian in their different language combinations.

We guarantee accuracy, precision, punctuality and professionalism.

These are the existing interpretation techniques, we will be happy to evaluate with you the one that best suits your needs:

Interpretazione simultanea


Simultaneous interpreting is strongly recommended for meetings or conferences with a large number of attendees. The interpreter translates the speech orally as it is being delivered. For simultaneous interpretation on site, specially equipped, sound-proof booths are required in addition to earphones for the audience, while for Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI), the system for interpretation is directly integrated into the platform being used for the meeting. Two interpreters, who alternate in shifts of about half an hour each, are required.
Interpretazione consecutiva 2020


Consecutive interpreting is a mode of interpretation where the interpreter listens to a speaker and then orally renders the message into the target language. It consists in note-taking using a particular technique. Whilst listening to the speaker for a few minutes, the interpreter writes useful information and codified symbols on a notepad, translates what was said and then the speaker continues speaking. This mode of interpretation is used in situations such as business meetings, medical appointments, and court hearings. No special equipment is required.


For meetings in which only one person or a few people need interpretation, it may be decided to use whispered interpreting (also called 'chuchotage', from French 'whispering'): the interpreter sits next to the persons who require translation and, talking in a low voice, translates speech at the same time as the speaker into the target language. No special equipment is required.
Interpretazione di trattativa 2020


During business meetings with a limited number of attendees, the use of the liaison or community interpreting technique is generally preferred because there are no barriers between the interpreters and the speakers and, therefore, communication is immediate. The interpreter, sitting in the middle, orally translates speech from one language into the other and in both directions, intervening after each speaker. In addition to the use of specific memory techniques, in some cases, the interpreter needs to take notes. No special equipment is required.
We provide both on-site and remote interpreting services. We are accredited for the use of the main remote simultaneous interpretation (RSI) platforms:
Traduzioni tecniche e settoriali


We outline the sectors in which we have acquired greater specialisation over the years thanks to our academic preparation and the interpreting and translation assignments we have carried out over time, thus developing a more in-depth knowledge of the relevant sector in terms of content and terminology.
We would be glad to evaluate with you the characteristics of the meeting you are organising in order to find the best solution for you, taking into account both results and budget.


What is the difference between a translator and an interpreter?
The translator and the interpreter are different figures which should not be confused as they deal with two activities which look similar but which are very different.
However, very often, the same professionals work both as translators and interpreters because, thanks to their academic education and their experience, they have acquired and improved both translation and interpreting techniques.
Translators work with written texts: they translate, in writing, a text from a source language to a target language. Translators have to make accurate terminology searches and they work in strict collaboration with a proof reader who is in charge of proofreading the text translated by the translator (see ‘How is a text translated?’ in the page about translation services).
On the other hand, interpreters, thanks to different memory strategies and note-taking techniques, orally convey the meaning of speech from one language into another. Their performance is instantaneous and ready to be listened to because during the days before the event or the meeting they accurately prepare the topic that will be interpreted, and compile specific terminology glossaries in different languages.
How can I choose the most suitable interpreting technique for my event or meeting?
In order to choose the most suitable interpreting technique for a multilingual event it is necessary to take into account several factors, including: the number of attendees, the number of languages spoken by the speakers, the duration and the type of the event or meeting, the possibility of choosing a remote interpreting service and finally the budget available.
We are at your disposal to evaluate with you the characteristics of the meeting you are organising and help you choose the interpreting method that best suits your needs in terms of results and costs.
How should I proceed to get a quote for an interpreting service?
We kindly ask you to fill in the form specifying the date and the town/country of the event (or indicating whether it is an online event) and its planned duration, required languages and the approximate number of attendees so that we can provide you with a detailed, personalised, free and non-binding quote for the most suitable mode of interpretation.
Once you have accepted the quote and received our confirmation, we will start preparing for your event.In this regard, we kindly ask you to provide the interpreter (or the interpreters) with useful, exhaustive documents and information on the meeting, helping them to prepare both the terminology and the content of the meeting to guarantee a successful event.
How is the cost of an interpreting service calculated?
For interpreting services, the full working day is generally considered since the interpreter is available for the entire duration of the event or meeting and sometimes it is difficult to determine its precise duration. As a result, the interpreter, whatever the duration of the event may be, will not accept other assignments on that same day. Moreover, the interpreter's work is not limited to the service provided during the event or meeting, but starts in the days before the event or meeting with the work of terminology research and preparation.
However, we can offer reduced prices in case of short online meetings for which a remote interpreting service can be provided or when the place of a short onsite event is very close and the journey required is very short.
What can I do to make the interpreter's work easier and ensure the success of my event or meeting?
In order to make the work of terminological preparation easier and ensure the success of your event, we kindly ask you to provide the interpreter(s) with useful material and detailed information about the meeting or event so that they can better prepare both the terminology and the content of the event, thus guaranteeing a successful event.
Depending on the event, the documentation you can provide will include the programme of the event, the list of speakers, PowerPoint presentations of the various speeches, relevant websites, brochures, glossaries...
How does Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI) work?
Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI) is a mode of interpretation that is becoming increasingly popular as it makes it possible to strongly reduce costs related to organisation and logistics, guarantee a high level of safety for all attendees, and have access to highly qualified interpreters who are geographically distant.
RSI is possible thanks to the use of specific systems specially developed for this mode of interpretation and integrated with videoconferencing platforms - these systems guarantee a high level of quality of the service provided, are extremely easy to use as attendees follow the conference from their PC listening to the interpretation from their smartphone and ensure a high level of data security and confidentiality thanks to a dedicated server.

In compliance with the code of ethics and deontology that regulates our sector, we ensure complete discretion and confidentiality with regard to the information contained in the documents that are delivered to us or which we will learn about while performing the assignment. We also guarantee total price transparency thanks to the possibility of receiving an immediate and personalised offer according to your needs.

To get a quote for an interpreting service, please fill in the form providing the requested information.